Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jesus Is.

Someone else wrote this and I take no credit for it. But it is the perfect reflection of my heart. 

Perfect reflection.

“I’m looking over the clouds and thinking of the world that lies beneath its deceptive portrayal of peace.. so torn by war… wars of principalities and powers, wars of guns and greed, wars of lust and love, wars of abuse and abandonment.
And I think… Jesus is.
He is above all.
He is in all.
He is weeping for His creation… His people.
A people He walked alongside.
A people who suffer in every way He himself suffered.
A people created by Him, and yet a people who reject Him.

Under the clouds, I know there to be a torn earth; separated by seas are people no different from one another. And I can’t project any hope onto the situation, except the profound yet simple truth that Jesus is.
He is hope.
He is good.
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I cant express my anguish, of the pain I witnessed in Haiti. And it seems meaningless to even bother with my ignorant tears. For what purpose do they grieve? What will my tears accomplish except add to the pain created by such circumstances?

But I am reminded of the one thing that makes sense…
As I witness, experience, and see more of this world, only greater becomes my failure of its comprehension. I don’t understand it because it doesn’t make sense. It’s confusing; ruled by contradictions. It’s god is a god of confusion and chaos- of everything God isn’t. The less the world makes sense, the more the Word of God claims it’s rightful place as the center of peach and the sense of truth.

The God of heavenly things, of another world, is not of confusion. And His word makes sense. I’ve realized that He allows me to cry and grieve and mourn for this world. Even more than that He uses this heartache to get closer to me. To allow me to see into His character and to share a piece of His heart. And He uses those silent pains of compassion as prayer to bring about change… to restore, heal, free, love. And in all things bad, I see His goodness reflected.
In pain, He shows compassion.
In sin, He shows mercy.
In need, He shows grace.
In sickness, healing.
In captivity, freedom.


This tattered world, in pieces… it grieves and moans, as if in labor… awaiting the birth of something incredible... desperate for new life. Let me be a midwife of another world… that I would run and not grow weary of doing good.

Empower me, fill me, empty me, use me, and fill me again.

I cannot put on a face of compassion and wear it like an accessory… but I must live it. And allow my only appearance, my only face, to be one of humility. Clothe me in humility Lord. The thing that will keep me in my place, keep me on my knees… in a place of desperation as I live only by You living in me, is humility.

You’ve been ripping my pride apart, keep doing it. As scary as that is, I’ll ask it of You. Give me Your joy and love; everything that is You, let it be in me. Less of me, of my pride, selfishness, negativity, greed, folly… and more of You and Your love, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness, self control, graciousness, more of You.

And please just hold Your daughters tonight.
And hold Your sons.
Hold Your children.
If not complete deliverance, then please just wipe their tears.
Please watch over them.
Watch over Haiti.

Be their God. Claim Your people!

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