Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Little Things

Well.. in 2 days I'll be leaving for another year of school. I can't believe this is my last full year. It's my last year of classes before I'll be in a classroom full time. Unreal. After thinking about last year and the little things that made my heart happy I made a small list of random things I want to do that will make my year special. These aren't things that are of much importance. These aren't big goals. These are the little things that get overlooked but can make a huge impact on life. So here we go... these are the little things I can't wait to do:

-Sew. Anything.
-Sell my photography. Or get it published. Or both.
-Raise enough money to visit Haiti anytime I want.
-Fold my clothes neatly and keep them that way all year long. 
-Stay organized.
-Write down everything in my planner. EVERYTHING.
-Sleep on Juno beach. And actually stay the whole night.
-Cook a real dinner once a week.
-Learn more Creole. Never stop learning or practicing it.
-Become an expert at using coupons.
-Take pictures, print them, hang them.
-Make a book of my favorite photographs.
-Coffee dates. Starbucks. Worth Ave. Yes please.
-Facebook? For children. You can find me on there occasionally. That's all.
-Go on more "drive til we find something" dates. SO fun.
-Skype with loved once that are far away.
-Paint regularly. Even if its for no reason or of nothing.
-Be intentionally thoughtful.
-Drink coffee in the morning and tea at night.
-Watch the sunrise regularly.
-Actually go to the beach this year, more than once and before finals week.
-Saturday mornings=Green Market and Paris Café.
-Go to my not-so-secret garden to read, pray, seek. The end. 


  1. um i really like the one about skyping with loved ones :) i include myself in that. haha. your goals sound wonderful, good luck with the coupons thing, it's great if you can get it started.

    i will add another one for you... "dance like i'm surrounded by fami fou, at least once a week"

    Renmen OU!

  2. Dearest abby,
    um you are definitely included in that!
    and thank you love. these are just the little goals that well, dont matter but would be fun to try to keep up. You know :)

    I'll dance... just for you... but with no one around. Well, maybe my roommates. Haha

    mwen renmen ou anpil!

  3. So far so good. Especially with the photography goals! :)
